The American Ciecuses and Sideshowa

Circus History, Circus Performers and Owners

History of American Circuses, Circus Performers, Owners and Sideshows

Preserving the history of the American circus,
it's people, stories and traditions.



Famous Circus Performers
Famous Circus Performers
American Circuses
American Circuses
Circus Owners
Circus Owners and Staff
Circus Life
Circus Life
Circus Sideshows
Sideshow Performers and Acts
Sideshow Performers
Circus Candy Butchers
Circus Candy Butchers
Circus and carnival lingo and slang
"Circus Lingo and Slang"
Circus Book Store
Circus Book Store
Circus Movies
Circus Movies
.Circus Train Wrecks
Circus Train Wrecks
Circus links and resources
Circus Links and Resources



When patrons go to a circus they come away with visions of performers, spangles, spotlights, and the smell of popcorn, but there is much more to a circus. There are people. People from many backgrounds, nations, religions, and customs. We are a multi-cultural society all working together to put on a circus performance.

Think about the many skills necessary to move a circus. It takes managers, performers, musicians, concessionaires, mechanics, electricians, welders, wardrobe makers, cooks and the list goes on and on.

This web site is intended to be about Circus People, the people that for many generations have made the circus an American tradition. The individuals and families who have devoted their lives to the circus.

On this site we will attempt to introduce you to these people. You will learn about the acts they did, the circuses and sideshows they operated, the triumphs they achieved and the hardships and tragedy they endured.


Circus Trivia, Did You Know?   Watch for the "Did You Know", icon in this site
where you will find circus trivia and information.

Click to enlarge   When exploring this site, click on the "magnifying glass", icon to view a larger version of photos where available.

Circus Books, Side Show and Freaks Books
Please Visit Our
Circus Bookstore


List of Citcus Movies

Click Here For Our Selection of
Circus Movies and DVDs





Circus Links and Resources

Circuses and Sideshows Mobile Sitemap

Since October 17, 2013.
 Copyright © 2013 Circuses and Sideshows Dot Com


Page Updated Aug. 01, 2024, 2024