Was the only woman ever to attempt to walk a wire across Niagara Falls. |
Few people today realize that more than 130 years before Nik Wallenda made his highly publicized walk across Niagara Falls (June 15, 2012), the same feat was accomplished by a woman. She not only walked across the falls once, but five times between July 8 and July 26, 1976. The stunt was performed as part of the United States first centennial celebration.
Maria Spelterini was born in Italy on July 7, 1853.
Maria was a beautiful 23year old woman. For the walk she used a 2.5 inch steel cable. The wire was stretched across the falls north of the lower suspension bridge.
Her first walked was on July 8, 1876. On July 12, she repeated the stunt, this time with her feet in peach baskets. July 19 she walked the wire blindfolded. On July she crossed with her hands and feet shackled and on the 26 she made her final crossing.
There have been many wire walkers who have attempted walking across the falls: Jean François Gravelet-Blondin 1859, Stephen Peer (died in the attempt 1887), Samuel Dixon 1890, Clifford Calverly 1892, James Hardy 1896 and Nik Wallenda in 2012. Maria Spelterini remains the first and only woman to have accomplished this incredible feat. |